Marketing • Jul 22, 2024

Redefining the Online Experience with Immersive Visuals: Hilton’s New API Pilot with SalesHub™

avatar Barbara Domingues

Visiting Media, a leading innovator in immersive selling technology, unveiled a new API developed for Hilton in collaboration with the Brand’s product and tech teams. Powered by SalesHub™, Visiting Media’s staple platform, this solution is the first API that seamlessly integrates immersive visuals like 3D and 360° and redefines how they are managed and distributed across Hilton’s

The iconic hotel brand has consistently embraced new technologies to improve guest experiences and operational efficiency and stay ahead of the competition. Central to its approach is a customer-centric mindset, driving Hilton’s commitment to innovation to enhance its guest experience. Today, the brand took a leap forward by introducing this one-of-a-kind API, setting a new standard for customer engagement and operational efficiency.

Hilton & Visiting Media API

One key advantage of this solution is its ability to streamline the process of integrating immersive visuals into Hilton’s booking engine, capacity charts and photo galleries and across other channels such as OTAs and event platforms. Traditionally, incorporating such content required significant manual effort and coordination across multiple teams. However, Hilton can now automate this process, reducing the time and resources needed to update their channels with fresh, compelling immersive assets.

In a time where visual storytelling makes a drastic difference when it comes to engagement with content and making purchasing decisions, this innovation enables Hilton to provide a richer, more engaging online experience for its prospective guests.

In addition to boosting the visual appeal of Hilton’s digital platforms, the new API captures valuable user engagement data. Insights gained from tracking visitor interactions with immersive content reveal what resonates most with their audience. This will allow Hilton to continually refine their content strategy, ensuring they consistently meet and exceed guest expectations.

The successful collaboration between Visiting Media and Hilton’s teams was key to bringing this groundbreaking product to fruition.

Looking ahead, Visiting Media aims to extend the benefits of the Hilton API to additional partners over the next 6-12 months. This expansion will empower more hospitality brands to unlock the full potential of immersive selling, improve their online presence, and elevate the guest experience.

The future of hospitality marketing and sales is here, and it’s immersive, efficient, and data-driven. Join us in this exciting venture and see how your brand can benefit from cutting-edge technology that keeps you ahead of the curve.

For more information on how this API can transform your digital strategy, reach out to our team at Visiting Media.

Marketing • Jul 22, 2024

Redefining the Online Experience with Immersive Visuals: Hilton’s New API Pilot with SalesHub™

avatar Barbara Domingues

Visiting Media, a leading innovator in immersive selling technology, unveiled a new API developed for Hilton in collaboration with the Brand’s product and tech teams. Powered by SalesHub™, Visiting Media’s staple platform, this solution is the first API that seamlessly integrates immersive visuals like 3D and 360° and redefines how they are managed and distributed across Hilton’s

The iconic hotel brand has consistently embraced new technologies to improve guest experiences and operational efficiency and stay ahead of the competition. Central to its approach is a customer-centric mindset, driving Hilton’s commitment to innovation to enhance its guest experience. Today, the brand took a leap forward by introducing this one-of-a-kind API, setting a new standard for customer engagement and operational efficiency.

Hilton & Visiting Media API

One key advantage of this solution is its ability to streamline the process of integrating immersive visuals into Hilton’s booking engine, capacity charts and photo galleries and across other channels such as OTAs and event platforms. Traditionally, incorporating such content required significant manual effort and coordination across multiple teams. However, Hilton can now automate this process, reducing the time and resources needed to update their channels with fresh, compelling immersive assets.

In a time where visual storytelling makes a drastic difference when it comes to engagement with content and making purchasing decisions, this innovation enables Hilton to provide a richer, more engaging online experience for its prospective guests.

In addition to boosting the visual appeal of Hilton’s digital platforms, the new API captures valuable user engagement data. Insights gained from tracking visitor interactions with immersive content reveal what resonates most with their audience. This will allow Hilton to continually refine their content strategy, ensuring they consistently meet and exceed guest expectations.

The successful collaboration between Visiting Media and Hilton’s teams was key to bringing this groundbreaking product to fruition.

Looking ahead, Visiting Media aims to extend the benefits of the Hilton API to additional partners over the next 6-12 months. This expansion will empower more hospitality brands to unlock the full potential of immersive selling, improve their online presence, and elevate the guest experience.

The future of hospitality marketing and sales is here, and it’s immersive, efficient, and data-driven. Join us in this exciting venture and see how your brand can benefit from cutting-edge technology that keeps you ahead of the curve.

For more information on how this API can transform your digital strategy, reach out to our team at Visiting Media.