Apr 28, 2020

“Now More Than Ever” TrueTour Supports Hotels and Resorts to Maximize Revenues and Help Recovery! [Testimonials]

avatar Chelsea Schroeder

Hotels and resorts continue to watch, wait and wonder when they’ll see through the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic. That doesn’t mean that virtual business has slowed down – in fact, it’s the exact opposite!

Visiting Media has seen a more-than-40X jump in inquires during March 2020 (over prior year) with literally hundreds of hotels and resorts reaching out to onboard virtual selling/touring capabilities.

“We’re busier than ever enabling new and existing companies to reach customers across the country and around the world. TrueTour means hotel sellers can bring the hotel into the living room of the customer and continue to deal-make” says Mason Feudner, Visiting Media Senior Sales Manager.

Necessity in the new norm

We’ve seen the future of hospitality sales and marketing fast-forwarded by years, making immersive virtual technology more essential than it ever has been. What was once considered a nice-to-have technology has now become essential for every business which formerly relied on in-person selling. No matter who your customers are, virtual visit technology is now relevant and warmly welcomed.

Startup concept. Laptop on wooden table and and icon network connection with rocket icon flying out of screen

Our customers say it best

Here at Visiting Media, not only are we excited to get new properties up and running as fast as logistically possible, we are grateful to be able to update and optimize the way our current customers sell and leverage their TrueTour. Their words say it better than we ever could.

“I love the tool! … Now more than ever, virtual reality touring ability is critical to keep the business moving – safely.”

Catherine Hawkins, Director of Sales and Marketing, the InterContinental Washington DC the Wharf

“Now more than ever we need access to this virtual tour.”

Kimberly Zoulek, Director of Sales and Marketing, Hilton Anatole

It’s not just hotels and resorts who are able to continue operations in a virtual capacity to reach their audience. Universities, wineries and other businesses are using their tools to the fullest:

“The online virtual tour has even more importance as we try to inform prospective students about campus at a time when students are not able to visit in person.”

Andrea Barton, Vice President & General Counsel, University of Portland

“…I am SO HAPPY to have our tool especially now being on shelter in place and not being able to conduct site tours.”

Raihni Vaughn, Director of Sales, Mountain Winery

We’re even more excited to broaden our reach with dozens of new customers spanning senior living, manufacturing facilities, commercial showrooms, schools, colleges and wineries among others.

Supporting podded and cluster sales teams

This unprecedented time also came with unprecedented needs. We’ve recently launched a few new products to specifically enable remote selling and cut down on large marketing expenses. You’ve heard about a few of these already (read about our latest popular product, TrueTourâ„¢ Stills).

With the onset of COVID-19 Visiting Media saw the need to support pan-property, podded and cluster sales teams as hotel companies move to off-property sales tactics. Launching TrueTour™ HUB just last month, Visiting Media now shares immersive sales content (360°/3D/VR) from the property level upstream to above-property teams instantly.

Stay tuned for our next blog post about this exciting new product enabling offsite teams to showcase a brand’s multiple properties in one single place.

Ready to get started?

To learn more about new developments with TrueTourâ„¢ technology, and our current COVID-19 subsidies, please contact us!

Apr 28, 2020

“Now More Than Ever” TrueTour Supports Hotels and Resorts to Maximize Revenues and Help Recovery! [Testimonials]

avatar Chelsea Schroeder

Hotels and resorts continue to watch, wait and wonder when they’ll see through the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic. That doesn’t mean that virtual business has slowed down – in fact, it’s the exact opposite!

Visiting Media has seen a more-than-40X jump in inquires during March 2020 (over prior year) with literally hundreds of hotels and resorts reaching out to onboard virtual selling/touring capabilities.

“We’re busier than ever enabling new and existing companies to reach customers across the country and around the world. TrueTour means hotel sellers can bring the hotel into the living room of the customer and continue to deal-make” says Mason Feudner, Visiting Media Senior Sales Manager.

Necessity in the new norm

We’ve seen the future of hospitality sales and marketing fast-forwarded by years, making immersive virtual technology more essential than it ever has been. What was once considered a nice-to-have technology has now become essential for every business which formerly relied on in-person selling. No matter who your customers are, virtual visit technology is now relevant and warmly welcomed.

Startup concept. Laptop on wooden table and and icon network connection with rocket icon flying out of screen

Our customers say it best

Here at Visiting Media, not only are we excited to get new properties up and running as fast as logistically possible, we are grateful to be able to update and optimize the way our current customers sell and leverage their TrueTour. Their words say it better than we ever could.

“I love the tool! … Now more than ever, virtual reality touring ability is critical to keep the business moving – safely.”

Catherine Hawkins, Director of Sales and Marketing, the InterContinental Washington DC the Wharf

“Now more than ever we need access to this virtual tour.”

Kimberly Zoulek, Director of Sales and Marketing, Hilton Anatole

It’s not just hotels and resorts who are able to continue operations in a virtual capacity to reach their audience. Universities, wineries and other businesses are using their tools to the fullest:

“The online virtual tour has even more importance as we try to inform prospective students about campus at a time when students are not able to visit in person.”

Andrea Barton, Vice President & General Counsel, University of Portland

“…I am SO HAPPY to have our tool especially now being on shelter in place and not being able to conduct site tours.”

Raihni Vaughn, Director of Sales, Mountain Winery

We’re even more excited to broaden our reach with dozens of new customers spanning senior living, manufacturing facilities, commercial showrooms, schools, colleges and wineries among others.

Supporting podded and cluster sales teams

This unprecedented time also came with unprecedented needs. We’ve recently launched a few new products to specifically enable remote selling and cut down on large marketing expenses. You’ve heard about a few of these already (read about our latest popular product, TrueTourâ„¢ Stills).

With the onset of COVID-19 Visiting Media saw the need to support pan-property, podded and cluster sales teams as hotel companies move to off-property sales tactics. Launching TrueTour™ HUB just last month, Visiting Media now shares immersive sales content (360°/3D/VR) from the property level upstream to above-property teams instantly.

Stay tuned for our next blog post about this exciting new product enabling offsite teams to showcase a brand’s multiple properties in one single place.

Ready to get started?

To learn more about new developments with TrueTourâ„¢ technology, and our current COVID-19 subsidies, please contact us!