Mar 19, 2018
Spring Cleaning: Auditing your TrueTour® Strategy
As the spring season nears, now is the perfect time to take part in a bit of spring cleaning for not just at home but also in the workplace. Conducting a regular audit of all your marketing and sales strategies including your TrueTour strategy is something that we recommend in order to stay current and to communicate the right information to your customer.
Audits can be tedious work and they aren’t always the most exciting task. But without them you could end up with outdated information, content that no longer accurately represents your venue, or broken links. By doing regular check-ups and yearly reviews you can avoid any unnecessary hurdles that can develop into larger problems in the long-run.
We’ll break up our list between annual and monthly tasks. Refer to the following table to see what items we suggest auditing on an annual versus monthly basis. We’ll dive further into each item but the table serves as a overview checklist.
[az_tab_section] [tab title=”Annual” id=”tab-1″]
360º Photos
360º Videos
Customer Journey / User Experience
Interactive Points of Interest
Design Elements
PartnerList Directory
Floor Plan & 3D Models
[tab title=”Monthly” id=”tab-2″]
Seasonal & Special Offers (Banner Ads)
Time-Sensitive PDF’s (Rate Sheets & Menus)
Test ALL Links
Photo Gallery
Lead Generator
New Added Features
[/tab] [/az_tab_section]
360º Photos & Videos
Updating your 360º gallery each year isn’t a bad idea. Especially, if you made any renovations or structural changes since the last time you gathered content. Plus, included in all TrueTour memberships are annual 360º photo shoots, so why not use the opportunity to show new features or a decorated perspective?
Customer Journey / User Experience
Once a year you should review your how your customer currently uses your TrueTour. What links are getting clicks on? What responses are you getting? Need tips on creating a customer journey? Check out our recent post on the topic.
Interactive Points of Interest
You can update and add new IPoI’s at any time, but we do suggest a quick audit on all of them at least once a year. Are the links working correctly? Are the icons and information still relevant?
Design Elements
If you’ve re-branded your business in the past year, make sure to upload a new logo and update your PDF Gallery and any other places your brand is presented. This will eliminate any confusion between your TrueTour and your website/social media/etc.
PartnerList Directory
Review the listings on your PartnerList to ensure that each mention is still a company you would recommend to customers. If your partnerships have changed or you have built new ones it’s good to keep the list relevant.
Floor Plan & 3D Models
Similar to the 360º gallery suggestion, if there have been any changes in your venue’s layout over the year have your 3D model and floor plan updated to accurately reflect those changes.
Banner Ads
Once a month go through to see that you don’t have any expired offers and banner ads running within your TrueTour. If you update your banner with seasonal packages or monthly promotions set a regular date and time for yourself each month to run the audit.
Time-Sensitive PDF’s (Rate Sheets & Menus)
If you have a rate sheet, menu, event calendar, or other document that fluctuates in information, this is something that you’ll want to keep track of.
Test ALL Links
We highly suggest going through and testing each external link that you add in your TrueTour in case you have any changed hyperlinks. The last thing you want is your audience not being able to complete an action due to broken links.
Photo Gallery
It’s extremely easy to update your photo galleries in your member dashboard and this is a great way to show what your company has been up to or what new products/services you’re offering.
Lead Generator
Export the leads from your lead generator via the share functionality regularly so that you can act on those leads while they’re still hot. If your TrueTour is being shared daily we would even suggest pulling this once a week.
Doesn’t hurt to also audit your click-throughs while you are in the member dashboard. What are people clicking on the most? What links aren’t getting any engagement? Analyzing your clicks will help you to design your user journey appropriately.
New Added Features
Don’t forget to check what new features we offer each month so that you can take full advantage of everything we have to offer. We are constantly adding and improving ways to provide value and increase conversions. Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get feature updates right away!
For your annual audit, you can choose to do it when it makes the most sense for your business. If you have more time to spend during the spring season, take the time to sit down and do a full review. If your business partakes in company-wide audits at the end of the fiscal year, run your audit then. Fit it in where it works best but try to have a regular date dedicated to the audit each year so that nothing gets lost in the cracks.
Regarding the monthly audit, the time spent will all depend on how many updates you have for that month. If you don’t have many changes it can take less than 5 minutes to run through and check that everything is up-to-date. Making sure customers always have the most current information can definitely save you time in the long run.
Will you be participating in spring cleaning this year? If you found this list helpful please let us know! If you need any guidance when running your annual or monthly audit, feel free to get in touch with your member happiness representative.
Mar 19, 2018
Spring Cleaning: Auditing your TrueTour® Strategy
As the spring season nears, now is the perfect time to take part in a bit of spring cleaning for not just at home but also in the workplace. Conducting a regular audit of all your marketing and sales strategies including your TrueTour strategy is something that we recommend in order to stay current and to communicate the right information to your customer.
Audits can be tedious work and they aren’t always the most exciting task. But without them you could end up with outdated information, content that no longer accurately represents your venue, or broken links. By doing regular check-ups and yearly reviews you can avoid any unnecessary hurdles that can develop into larger problems in the long-run.
We’ll break up our list between annual and monthly tasks. Refer to the following table to see what items we suggest auditing on an annual versus monthly basis. We’ll dive further into each item but the table serves as a overview checklist.
[az_tab_section] [tab title=”Annual” id=”tab-1″]
360º Photos
360º Videos
Customer Journey / User Experience
Interactive Points of Interest
Design Elements
PartnerList Directory
Floor Plan & 3D Models
[tab title=”Monthly” id=”tab-2″]
Seasonal & Special Offers (Banner Ads)
Time-Sensitive PDF’s (Rate Sheets & Menus)
Test ALL Links
Photo Gallery
Lead Generator
New Added Features
[/tab] [/az_tab_section]
360º Photos & Videos
Updating your 360º gallery each year isn’t a bad idea. Especially, if you made any renovations or structural changes since the last time you gathered content. Plus, included in all TrueTour memberships are annual 360º photo shoots, so why not use the opportunity to show new features or a decorated perspective?
Customer Journey / User Experience
Once a year you should review your how your customer currently uses your TrueTour. What links are getting clicks on? What responses are you getting? Need tips on creating a customer journey? Check out our recent post on the topic.
Interactive Points of Interest
You can update and add new IPoI’s at any time, but we do suggest a quick audit on all of them at least once a year. Are the links working correctly? Are the icons and information still relevant?
Design Elements
If you’ve re-branded your business in the past year, make sure to upload a new logo and update your PDF Gallery and any other places your brand is presented. This will eliminate any confusion between your TrueTour and your website/social media/etc.
PartnerList Directory
Review the listings on your PartnerList to ensure that each mention is still a company you would recommend to customers. If your partnerships have changed or you have built new ones it’s good to keep the list relevant.
Floor Plan & 3D Models
Similar to the 360º gallery suggestion, if there have been any changes in your venue’s layout over the year have your 3D model and floor plan updated to accurately reflect those changes.
Banner Ads
Once a month go through to see that you don’t have any expired offers and banner ads running within your TrueTour. If you update your banner with seasonal packages or monthly promotions set a regular date and time for yourself each month to run the audit.
Time-Sensitive PDF’s (Rate Sheets & Menus)
If you have a rate sheet, menu, event calendar, or other document that fluctuates in information, this is something that you’ll want to keep track of.
Test ALL Links
We highly suggest going through and testing each external link that you add in your TrueTour in case you have any changed hyperlinks. The last thing you want is your audience not being able to complete an action due to broken links.
Photo Gallery
It’s extremely easy to update your photo galleries in your member dashboard and this is a great way to show what your company has been up to or what new products/services you’re offering.
Lead Generator
Export the leads from your lead generator via the share functionality regularly so that you can act on those leads while they’re still hot. If your TrueTour is being shared daily we would even suggest pulling this once a week.
Doesn’t hurt to also audit your click-throughs while you are in the member dashboard. What are people clicking on the most? What links aren’t getting any engagement? Analyzing your clicks will help you to design your user journey appropriately.
New Added Features
Don’t forget to check what new features we offer each month so that you can take full advantage of everything we have to offer. We are constantly adding and improving ways to provide value and increase conversions. Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get feature updates right away!
For your annual audit, you can choose to do it when it makes the most sense for your business. If you have more time to spend during the spring season, take the time to sit down and do a full review. If your business partakes in company-wide audits at the end of the fiscal year, run your audit then. Fit it in where it works best but try to have a regular date dedicated to the audit each year so that nothing gets lost in the cracks.
Regarding the monthly audit, the time spent will all depend on how many updates you have for that month. If you don’t have many changes it can take less than 5 minutes to run through and check that everything is up-to-date. Making sure customers always have the most current information can definitely save you time in the long run.
Will you be participating in spring cleaning this year? If you found this list helpful please let us know! If you need any guidance when running your annual or monthly audit, feel free to get in touch with your member happiness representative.